Master of Divinity, Concentration in Community Transformation and Chaplaincy

students in the concentration in preaching and teaching read from the bible together

Congregational ministry is central to the PBA M.Div., yet many congregations in various Christian traditions cannot support a full-time pastor. Many students have a call to serve these congregations but cannot do so without another career sufficient to fund their congregational ministry. This concentration is meant to open doors to full-time employment sufficient to support pastoral ministry in smaller congregations that are unable to employ a full-time pastor. After receiving this concentration, many later seek to serve in hospital, hospice, or other paid chaplaincy ministries, or in non-profit, community work.

School of Ministry




Community Transformation

1. Trauma and Spirituality

The courses offered in this program will equip students to engage with communities impacted by trauma stemming from social justice issues, poverty, generational trauma, and more. By developing a comprehensive understanding of trauma’s effects on individuals and communities, students gain the necessary tools to effectively contribute to community transformative ministry within these contexts.


2. Transformational Leadership

The courses offered in this program will equip students to foster the development of transformational praxis and empower students for practical leadership. Graduates will be able to lead initiatives, manage programs, and engage in community organizing endeavors that are dedicated and tasked with driving community transformation.

3. CPE Training

CTC students have a unique opportunity to enhance their theological knowledge and pastoral skills by engaging in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). CPE offers a supervised learning experience where students engage in a minimum of 400 hours of practical experience. The program typically spans 25 weeks (extended) or 11 weeks (accelerated) helped along by stipends (see below). Students gain invaluable hands-on experience, integrating theology with praxis in various environments. These environments include placements in:

  • Hospitals
  • Extended care facilities
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Social-justice organizations
  • Congregational settings

female students smiling and taking notes at Palm Beach Atlantic University

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Program Courses

Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.

See Course Catalog

Career Outcomes

  • Non-profit Leadership in Community Transformation
  • Chaplaincy
  • Hospital
  • Hospice
  • Military
  • Prison
  • Community Organizing
  • Para-church Ministries
  • Congregational Leadership
  • Entrepreneurial Pursuits

PBA’s MDiv was created from scratch with twenty-first century ministry in view. After consulting with innovative pastors and scholars and reflecting on the gaps in seminary education, it was decided to move beyond the isolated silos of traditional seminary approaches in delivery method and curriculum. The structure of the MDiv with a Community Transformation and Chaplaincy Concentration thus contains six unique features:

Cohort community: Because we learn best in a thriving community, students benefit from a cohort model, with daytime classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays or evening synchronous online classes;

Efficient learning: Because master-level education should build upon a solid foundation, the curriculum features advanced courses while avoiding the repetition of undergraduate introductory courses;

Integrated thinking: Because real-life ministry requires integrated thinking, students study the Bible, Theology, and Practical Theology in paired courses across disciplines;

Leadership development: Because practitioners need intentional practice, students develop their pastoral skills in ACPE accredited Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) programs receiving at least 2 units (800 hours) of practical pastoral education and experience in clinical contexts.

All students studying for the MDiv, Community Transformation and Chaplaincy Concentration (75 credit hours) will complete an integrated core (36 credit hours), specialized ministry competencies and/or biblical languages (9 credit hours), and Community Transformation and Chaplaincy concentration courses (30 credit hours).

A student with a bachelor’s degree in a field that is not related to ministry, biblical or theological studies will complete a foundational curriculum as part of his or her MDIV-CTC program.  The Foundations Path is a 12 credit hour (4 course) curriculum intended to provide a graduate-level introduction to biblical, historical, and theological studies, as well as the essential academic skills necessary for successful formation.  For details, see the Foundations Path section in the MDIV program overview.

The MDiv Concentration in Community Transformation and Chaplaincy is designed to be completed within 3 years.

Format and Location

  • To help rectify the gap from the loss of income-earning opportunities involved with fulfilling the CPE requirements, students may apply for living expense stipends. Stipends may be awarded for each unit of CPE, up to $7500.
  • Additionally, students that are enrolled in the Community Transformation and Chaplaincy concentration are eligible for CTC-specific scholarships in addition to School of Ministry scholarships and other Financial Aid opportunities.


Master of Divinity, Community Transformation and Chaplaincy concentration: 75 credit hour MDiv, designed to be completed within 3 years.

Master of Arts, Community Transformation and Chaplaincy: 36-credit hour Master of Arts degree designed to be completed within 2 years.

Graduate Certificates: Certificates are offered in Trauma and Spirituality and Transformational Leadership. Certificates consist of 9 credit hours and can be completed in 1 year.

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